It's a GOD thing!

I promised big news. I'm going to deliver. I accepted a teaching job at The Frankfort Christian Academy. The children and I will be there together next year. I have submitted my resignation and am super excited.

This wasn't something I ever considered. I've always been all public school all the way. However, events of the past few years have turned me off to public school teaching, burned me out, and made me question my calling in general. I have had a strong desire to be at home with my kids, possibly even homeschool them, but I haven't found a way to make that financially feasible.

I was confessing this struggle to a friend, who was the first person to make the suggestion to consider TFCA. She has taught there since its inception, and her children have attended there, as have the children of many friends. I have heard nothing but glowing things about the school. I attend Bible study with two teachers who work there and I rarely hear them say anything but positive things- certainly not the drama with which I have become incredibly familiar in my current position.

I asked my friend some questions about logistics and found my once closed mind was becoming more open to the idea. I mentioned it to John, expecting him to nix the idea because the pay scale is significantly lower, I won't be paying in to retirement, or any of another logical reasons. He surprised me by saying, "You know, that actually sounds pretty exciting. Find out more."

I browsed the website, filled out the application, and prayed about it. I emailed the principal to introduce myself, express interest, and see if I could drop my application and portfolio off on that Thursday before I went to a scheduled doctor's appointment. I waited for a response. Instead of an e-mail, I received a phone call the next day. He wanted me to come by that Thursday, but for an actual interview- not just a quick meet and greet!!

My interview lasted two hours. I felt immediately comfortable and I could see myself in that school. The job that was up for grabs was perfect for me. Everything felt perfect. I was told that a decision would be made within a couple of weeks and they would be in touch.

I wanted the job- desperately. I wanted my kids to be in a happy, Godly school. The waiting was difficult. I crunched numbers to see if our family could survive on my drastically reduced salary. Every time I calculated the expenses vs. the income, it balanced out. It might be lean, but we will survive. I began to pray, "God if this is what you have in mind for me, show me. I want this, but not if it isn't YOUR will."

A week passed with no news. This past Sunday, our pastor preached a sermon about how God is good and we don't have to search for satisfaction anywhere else. He talked about the Hebrew children wandering in the desert. They had left the misery of Egyptian slavery, and God continued to supply their needs, but they whined the entire time. Nothing was ever enough. The preacher said something that struck me. If they had been allowed to be comfortable in the wilderness, would they have ever pressed on to reach the promised land? No, they'd have stopped right there and eaten manna for ever. Instead, they had just enough to live on, but weren't truly satisfied. They pressed on.

I realized how much I was like them. God has been supplying my needs- I have a job; it pays the bills. However, it kind of stinks. I'm treated badly by my students, and I never feel like I measure up to administrative demands. I'm NOT comfortable. I'm learning more and more that this job has been God's will for this season of my life, but that I don't need to dwell here. I can press on, trusting God to continue to sustain me, knowing that eventually, I'll find what He has designed for me.

After that rocking sermon on Sunday, another brutal Monday rolled around. They have a way of doing that, you know! This Monday was excruciating. I was met with resistance at every step. I had more than one altercation with disrespectful, defiant students. By 2:00, I felt utterly decimated. I had no more resolve left. I prayed for something to keep me going. I posted on Facebook, "I need good news, STAT."

Two hours later, as I was packing up to go home, my phone rang. The assistant principal told me that she had some good news for me. I was offered the job. Of course, I accepted on the spot and began rejoicing!!

I realize that not everyone thinks this is a great decision. However, I've NEVER felt a greater sense of peace  about a big life changing choice as I do about this. I know that this is the right choice. I have not one single doubt. I don't even worry about the money. I just know this...God is good. I don't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction. And, when I'm satisfied in Him, He is glorified.


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