One week in, updating the goals!

Here's how I've done with my goals for the month of October to date...

1. Wash shower curtain and bath math, deep clean bathroom.
2. Declutter living room. (Partially!!!!!)
3. Fall decor on table and outside.
4. Create and follow a cleaning checklist (a la The Fly Lady)
5. Clean out fridge.


1. Get back in the gym!
2. Keep a journal.
3. Be a better friend. (Not sure how to measure this, but I'll know:)
4. Finish Feminine Appeal and Capture His Heart: Becoming the Godly Wife Your Husband Desires- and practice what I've learned!
5. Continue my quest to hear and obey God's will in my life and produce tangible results from doing so.


1. Weekly devotional/teaching times with the kids.
2. Begin a devotional/study with John.
3. Prepare healthy meals at home at least 4 times a week.
4. Plan Audrey's birthday party...make it great, but economical!
5. Keep the kids clothes organized and outfits laid out every day


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